I've been in sales for several years. I've learned the tricks of the trade, and I know how manipulative they can be. We're here to help consumers get what they're after, without being influenced by greedy salespeople.

We teach you simple and effective ways to get your shopping done, while saving time and saving money... and of course, how to avoid being had by a clever salesperson.
I'll be posting some "insider" secrets pretty soon, but in the meantime, here are a few steps to take next time you do decide to go shopping;

1. Put it on paper
- Write down what you need, and how much your willing to spend
- Write down the features - of the product or service - or service that will benefit you.
2. Go to at least 3 different vendors that offer the product or service you're after. Compare prices and benefits, to make sure your getting the best deal.
3. Do not seem too eager to buy, even if you like the product or service. Often times, the vendor will have extra features, or even a discount, to include to gain your business. Holding out, and waiting without showing too much interest, will often times get you more value for your dollar.
4. Do not make any final decisions without leaving the shop, thinking it over, then returning to finalize.
Your emotions will often run high during a pitch. Their pitch usually isn't about "how to save money", so you'll have to get that thought back in the forefront of your mind. Taking a five minute breather will give you time to focus on why your there. Take this time to review the paper from step 1.
5. Make sure to keep your receipt. This is important for several reasons.
- If the product is defective, it can be returned.
- If you or your spouse don't like the product, it can be returned.
- If you didn't follow the first 4 steps, and you realize that you don't need the product or service you just purchased, then it can be returned.
That's all for now,
Georges - SPC
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